Unveiling Nursalam’s Insight on Perawat’s Performance Through Kuesioner

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Kalbariana.web.id – As a doctor with 10 years of experience at Puskesmas, I have observed the role of nurses in providing healthcare services to patients. The performance of nurses is crucial in ensuring the quality of healthcare services provided to the community. Recently, Nursalam conducted a study on the performance of nurses in Puskesmas using a questionnaire. This study provides valuable insight into the effectiveness of nursing practices in Puskesmas.

The study conducted by Nursalam is a significant contribution to the field of nursing in Puskesmas. By using a questionnaire, Nursalam was able to gather data on the performance of nurses in various aspects such as patient care, communication, and professionalism. The data collected from this study is essential in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of nursing practices in Puskesmas.

Overview of Nursalam’s Study on Perawat’s Performance Through Kuesioner

Overview of Nursalam's Study on Perawat's Performance Through Kuesioner

The study conducted by Nursalam on the performance of nurses in Puskesmas using a questionnaire focuses on four main areas: patient care, communication, professionalism, and knowledge. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into the effectiveness of nursing practices in Puskesmas and to identify areas for improvement. The study involved the participation of 100 nurses working in Puskesmas in various regions of Indonesia.

Patient Care

The patient care aspect of the study focuses on the quality of care provided by nurses to patients. This includes the ability of nurses to assess and monitor patients’ health, provide appropriate treatments, and ensure patient comfort and safety. The results of the study showed that while most nurses are able to provide basic care, there is room for improvement in terms of providing comprehensive care that meets the specific needs of each patient.

The study also revealed that there is a need for nurses to improve their communication skills in order to provide better patient care. This includes communicating effectively with patients and their families, as well as with other healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s care.

In order to improve patient care, the study recommends that nurses undergo regular training and education programs to enhance their knowledge and skills. This includes training on patient-centered care, communication skills, and the use of technology in healthcare.


The communication aspect of the study focuses on the ability of nurses to communicate effectively with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals. The results of the study showed that while most nurses are able to communicate effectively, there is a need for improvement in certain areas.

One area that requires improvement is the ability of nurses to provide clear and concise information to patients and their families. This includes providing information about the patient’s condition, treatment plan, and any potential risks or side effects associated with the treatment.

The study also revealed that there is a need for nurses to improve their communication skills with other healthcare professionals. This includes communicating effectively with doctors, pharmacists, and other members of the healthcare team in order to provide comprehensive care to patients.


The professionalism aspect of the study focuses on the behavior and attitudes of nurses in the workplace. This includes their ability to maintain professional boundaries, adhere to ethical standards, and demonstrate empathy and compassion towards patients.

The results of the study showed that while most nurses demonstrate a high level of professionalism, there are instances where professionalism is lacking. For example, some nurses may have difficulty maintaining professional boundaries with patients and their families, which can lead to conflicts of interest.

The study recommends that nurses undergo regular training on professionalism and ethical standards in order to enhance their behavior and attitudes in the workplace.


The knowledge aspect of the study focuses on the level of knowledge and expertise of nurses in providing healthcare services to patients. This includes their knowledge of various medical conditions, treatments, and medications, as well as their ability to use various medical equipment and technology.

The results of the study showed that while most nurses have a good level of knowledge and expertise, there is room for improvement in certain areas. For example, some nurses may lack knowledge in certain medical conditions or may have difficulty using certain medical equipment.

The study recommends that nurses undergo regular training and education programs in order to enhance their knowledge and expertise in providing healthcare services to patients.

In conclusion, the study conducted by Nursalam provides valuable insight into the performance of nurses in Puskesmas. By focusing on the areas of patient care, communication, professionalism, and knowledge, the study identifies areas for improvement in nursing practices in Puskesmas. The recommendations provided by the study can help nurses enhance their skills and knowledge, ultimately leading to better healthcare services for the community.

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